Five Easy Ways to Make Your Life Better for 12/29/20
How to Maintain a Happy, Healthy Mindset
(NeuroGym | 2775 words)
To be joyful and happy:
- Let go of perfection
- Ask “How can I?” instead of “What if I fail?”
- Feel grateful, and receive graciously
- Focus on what you want to be, instead of what you want to have
- Smile for your health and happiness
- Be excited to give love
Note: This article is about the holidays, but applies to life in general.
Related: 10 Incredibly Easy Ways to Be Happier
5 Ways Being Vulnerable Can Make You Happier
(Caitlin Sinclair | The Self Improvement Blog | 1100 words)
A willingness to be vulnerable, rather than put up walls, improves your happiness.
- You accept your feelings
- Others feel more comfortable around you
- You catch your own self-tricks
- You stop destructive behaviors
- You’re okay with imperfection
Happiness Can Be a Choice
(Perry Gruber | Blisspot | 375 words)
Happiness is more about mindset than circumstances.
When you decide to be happy, it creates happiness.
Which then leads to better circumstances.
Related: Optimism and Pessimism are Self-Fulfilling
How to Spend Your Money For Maximum Happiness
(Gulnaz Khan | Popular Science | 2225 words)
Money can buy happiness if you spend it the right way.
Buying an expensive car doesn’t bring long-lasting joy. But there are other ways cash can make you more content:
- Use money to buy time.
- Invest in experiences.
- Spend on others.
- Focus on human connection.
I found this article in Greg Roth’s The Idea Enthusiast.
In 2021, Start Making the First Move
(Holly Riordan | Thought Catalog | 525 words)
Don’t wait for life to come to you.
Take action to improve your life. Be the one to initiate things.
In romance, career, friendship, or self-improvement, it’s up to you to take the first step.
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