Five Easy Ways to Make Your Life Better for 8/9/20
15 Things to Do When You Have No Idea What to Do
(Barrie Davenport | Live Bold and Bloom | 1900 words | Subscribe )
What to do when you just can’t seem to kick your brain into gear. Suggestions include:
- Do mindless tasks
- Try meditation
- Help someone else
- Take the logical first step
- Do nothing and take the day off
Related: Disembarking From the Failboat
In Defense of Hedonism
(Kyle Shnitzer | The Ladders | 350 words)
Hedonism gets a bad rap.
But a big part of happiness is the ability to take time to just enjoy yourself, without being distracted by worries over long-term goals.
Obviously focusing on long-term goals and enjoying yourself are also important. But you should have a balance.
10 Incredibly Easy Ways to Improve Your Health
(Steven Ray Marks | Self Helping Yourself | 2050 words)
Ten ways to lose weight and be healthier that take no effort or willpower, and minimal to no time. Including:
- Switch to diet soda.
- Use smaller plates.
- Look up how many calories are in your favorite dishes at restaurants.
- Buy your own exercise equipment instead of going to the gym.
- Use chopsticks when eating chips.
Turning Violent Disagreements Into Civil Discourse
(Michael Hyatt | Michael Hyatt & Co. | 575 words)
We live in polarized times, where screaming and hate have replaced civil discourse.
Here are some excellent suggestions on how to better communicate with people that disagree with you:
- Begin where you agree.
- Keep an open mind.
- Get your facts straight.
- Be willing to state your view but with humility.
I especially like that this article gives no indications of the author’s own political views. That’s how it should be, since this advice applies to people of all beliefs.
If you like this piece, I suggest you check out the organization Braver Angels, which is dedicated to political tolerance and depolarization.
Related: How to Win Allies
7 Small Habits That Will Steal Your Happiness
(Henrik Edberg | Positivity Blog | 1625 words | Subscribe)
To be happier, stop doing these things:
- Immersing yourself in negative voices.
- Waiting for just the right time.
- Letting criticism get under your skin.
- Focusing on envy, powerlessness, and the wrong people.
- Not allowing yourself peace and rest.
- Never trying anything new.
- Taking things too seriously.
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